WebGL Camp??????
??????WebGL Camp????????????11?????? ????O3D?GLGE?COLLADA?WebGL?Sirikata? WebGL #2?2010?12?14???????????????????????? 更多
??????WebGL Camp????????????11?????? ????O3D?GLGE?COLLADA?WebGL?Sirikata? WebGL #2?2010?12?14???????????????????????? 更多
Khronos Group?2010?12?8??????????????????DevU?????? ?????????????????DevU?????????OpenGL ES?OpenCL?OpenGL?OpenVG?OpenMAX?OpenSL ES?????Viviante?ARM?Rightware?HUONE?NVIDIA??????????? ???????? 更多
COLLADA?????????COLLADA 1.4 ?????????????COLLADA????????? ???? 更多
WebGL???????WebGL???????? ???URL??????????“WebGL?????????WebGL API??????????????????OpenGL ES?OpenGL???????????????????? ??WebGL????? Web ???????IDL?????????????????????IDL? 更多
Khronos Goup ?????, ????? • 2010 ??????
Khronos DevU????????????????
?????2010?12?8?, 09:00 - 17:00 ?? ??88???????????
?????????? ???????? ?????
??????????????10??, ?????, 100084 ??, ??
??? Andrew.liu@khronos.cn ??????????????????????
??Khronos Group???????????,?????OpenGL, OpenGL ES, OpenCL, OpenGL SC, EGL, COLLADA, WebGL, OpenKODE, OpenVG, OpenMAX, OpenSL ES, OpenWF???????????????????.
????????????????????????,?HPC??????SoC?????????????????????,Khronos Group?2000????????????. ????Khronos Group???????, ?Khronos Group??????????,??????????????????DevU?????,????????????!
???????, Khronos??????????????????????????. Khronos Group?????????????,??????Khronos Group?????????????? Khronos????????API?????????????????????????????Khronos????API??.
Khronos Group ??DevU??????????????:
• OpenGL – ??????? OpenGL API ??????????????;
• OpenCL – ????????, ?OpenGL???????????????????;
• OpenSL ES – ????????API, ??Khronos????????????;
• OpenVG – ???????????, ????UI??????????????????;
• WebGL- ??????????3D???? – ?Khronos?Mozilla?????Chrome, Safari???????????3D???????????????
9:00-9:30 ??, Members greet VIPs;
9:35-9:45 Walter Wen/??????????????
9:45-10:35 Neil Trevett, NVIDIA???,Khronos??, ??????????
Break 1 - Q&A ??????? 10:35-10:50
10:50-11:26 Ed Plowman, ARM, OpenGL ES: ????3D??????
Break 2 - Walk to Lunch, ????????????88??????? 12:04-13:09
13:09-13:45 John Li, AMD, OpenCL??/????????????
13:47-14:23 Hwanyong Lee,HUONE OpenVG, ???????????????
14:23-14:59 DESKTOP OpenGL - ?????2D?3D????API
Break 3 - Q&A ??????? 15:01-15:16
15:00-15:16 Mike Cai, Vivante CTO, Android????????
15:54-16:30 WebGL - ???????OpenGL ES 2.0???????????
Q&A ?????? 16:32-17:00
Khronos Group 2010 ???????
?????2010?12?9?, 10:00 - 14:00 ?? ????????
??????????????? Hutong I, II, III??? (????Lantern I & II)
?????8?, ??, 100006 , ??
??? Andrew.liu@khronos.cn ??????????????????????
Speaker Company Start Finish API NOTES
Local Member TBD 10:00 10:06 General Welcome Remarks in Chinese - Market review
Neil Trevett KHRONOS 10:08 10:58 General Welcome Remarks & Agenda & Khronos digital media ecosystem overview
Ed Plowman ARM 11:00 11:15 OpenGL ES OpenGL ES: overview of the industry standard for Mobile 3D Graphics
Break 4 - Tea & Demos 11:15 11:30
David Harold ImgTech 11:30 11:45 OpenGL ES OpenGL ES 2.0 optimization and fragmentation issues
To Be Decided TBD 11:47 12:02 OpenGL OpenGL - overview of most widely adopted 2D and 3D graphics API in the industry
Mike Cai Vivante 12:04 12:19 OpenCL Desktop and Mobile
To Be Decided TBD 12:21 12:36 WebGL WebGL - OpenGL ES 2.0 for the Web
CLOSING REMARKS Neil Trevett 12:36 12:45
Luncheon and Demos 12:45 14:00
?? Khronos Group
Khronos Group ??? 2000 ? 1 ????? 3Dlabs, ATI, Discreet, Evans & Sutherland, Intel, Nvidia, SGI ? Sun Microsystems ????????????????????????????????????API???????????????????????????. ?????Khronos Group????NVIDIA?Intel?AMD?ARM?Ericsson?Google?Apple????????????????????????????????????????????????
Khronos Group ??????????????????????????????????????????API, ?????????????????????????????? Khronos Group ?????Khronos API??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????3D?????????????????????????????
????????? www.khronos.org ????? www.khronos.cn
?????????? ???? Andrew.liu@khronos.cn
OpenWF????????OpenWF???????OpenWF???????,????????! 更多
VR Juggler 3????? VR Juggler 3.0????????????Cluster?????????????/?????????OpenGL 3.0???????????? VR Juggler??????????????????????????????????????? 更多
AMD??2010?12?8?????????Khronos DevU??????12?9???????????Khronos Group??????????????????????AMD CPU/GPU??OpenCL????? 更多
Cnet?Deeptech????????????????????3D???Flash vs WebGL? ??Flash??2011?????Molehill Beta???WebGL?????1.0????????????????????? ??Mozilla?Vladimir Vukicevic?WebGL???????“?????????Khronos???????????????????Khronos?W3C?????????????????1.0??????????” 更多
CMSoft??????????????????????????????OpenCL?????????????????????? ??????????????? 更多
ZBrush 4??COLLADA DEA???????????Second Life???????? ZBrush????????????? 更多
???Zack Rusin???Mesa???????????Clover???????????? ???????Mesa???OpenCL???????????Clover???????????????????? 更多
AMD????????Radeon HD 6000?????????Radeon HD 6500M?Radeon HD 6300M? ?????OpenGL 4.1?OpenCL 1.1?????DirectX? 更多
Khronos Goup ?????, ????? • 2010 ?????? • 2010?12?8? • Khronos DevU?????????????? • 2010?12?9? • Khronos Group???? ??????????http://www.khronos.cn/events/dec2010bj/89DEC2010CN.pdf Khronos DevU???????????????? ?????2010?12?8?, 09:00 - 17:00 ?? ??88??????????? ??????? ?????????? ???????? ????? ??????????????10??, ?????, 100084 ??, ?? ???????/???????????????SoC???????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????? ?????120? ?????http://www.khronos.org/news/events/detail/khronos-group-devu-at-tsinghua-university/ ??? Andrew.liu@khronos.cn ?????????????????????? Khronos Group 2010????DevU??????? ??Khronos Group???????????,?????OpenGL, OpenGL ES, OpenCL, OpenGL SC, EGL, COLLADA, WebGL, OpenKODE, OpenVG, OpenMAX, OpenSL ES, OpenWF???????????????????. ????????????????????????,?HPC??????SoC?????????????????????,Khronos Group?2000????????????. ????Khronos Group???????, ?Khronos Group??????????,??????????????????DevU?????,????????????! ???????, Khronos??????????????????????????. Khronos Group?????????????,??????Khronos Group?????????????? Khronos????????API?????????????????????????????Khronos????API??. ?????????????????? Khronos Group ??DevU??????????????: • OpenGL – ??????? OpenGL API ??????????????; • OpenCL – ????????, ?OpenGL???????????????????; • OpenSL ES – ????????API, ??Khronos????????????; • OpenVG – ???????????, ????UI??????????????????; • WebGL- ??????????3D???? – ?Khronos?Mozilla?????Chrome, Safari???????????3D??????????????? ???? 9:00-9:30 Registration & Demo, Members greet VIPs; 9:35-9:45 Walter Wen/Local Member, General Welcome Remarks in Chinese 9:45-10:35 Neil Trevett, Khronos President, Agenda, Khronos Digital Media Ecosystem Overview Break 1 - Q&A w/Translators & demos 10:35-10:50 10:50-11:26 Ed Plowman, ARM, OpenGL ES: overview of the industry standard for Mobile 3D Graphic Break 2 - Walk to Lunch, ????????????88??????? 12:04-13:09 13:09-13:45 Symbio MOBILE OpenGL ES 13:47-14:23 Hwanyong Lee,HUONE OpenVG overview : implementations and applications 14:23-14:59 DESKTOP OpenGL - overview of most widely adopted 2D and 3D graphics API in the industry Break 3 - Q&A w/Translators & demos 15:01-15:16 15:00-15:16 Mike Cai, Vivante OpenCL: Desktop and Mobile 15:54-16:30 WebGL - OpenGL ES 2.0 for the Web Q&A and Demos 16:32-17:00 Khronos Group 2010 ??????? ?????2010?12?9?, 10:00 - 14:00 ?? ???????? ???????/??? ??????????????? Hutong I, II, III??? (????Lantern I & II) ?????8?, ??, 100006 , ?? ???????/???????????????SoC??????????? ???????????????????????? ??????? ?????60? ?????http://www.khronos.org/news/events/detail/khronos-beijing-devu/ ??? Andrew.liu@khronos.cn ?????????????????????? ???? Speaker Company Start Finish API NOTES Local Member TBD 10:00 10:06 General Welcome Remarks in Chinese - Market review Neil Trevett KHRONOS 10:08 10:58 General Welcome Remarks & Agenda & Khronos digital media ecosystem overview Ed Plowman ARM 11:00 11:15 OpenGL ES OpenGL ES: overview of the industry standard for Mobile 3D Graphics Break 4 - Tea & Demos 11:15 11:30 David Harold ImgTech 11:30 11:45 OpenGL ES OpenGL ES 2.0 optimization and fragmentation issues To Be Decided TBD 11:47 12:02 OpenGL OpenGL - overview of most widely adopted 2D and 3D graphics API in the industry Mike Cai Vivante 12:04 12:19 OpenCL Desktop and Mobile To Be Decided TBD 12:21 12:36 WebGL WebGL - OpenGL ES 2.0 for the Web CLOSING REMARKS Neil Trevett 12:36 12:45 Luncheon and Demos 12:45 14:00 ?? Khronos Group Khronos Group ??? 2000 ? 1 ????? 3Dlabs, ATI, Discreet, Evans & Sutherland, Intel, Nvidia, SGI ? Sun Microsystems ????????????????????????????????????API???????????????????????????. ?????Khronos Group????NVIDIA?Intel?AMD?ARM?Ericsson?Google?Apple???????????????????????????????????????????????? Khronos Group ??????????????????????????????????????????API, ?????????????????????????????? Khronos Group ?????Khronos API??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????3D????????????????????????????? ????????? www.khronos.org ????? www.khronos.cn ????????? ?????????? ???? Andrew.liu@khronos.cn 更多
??1GHz ARM Cortex A8????????ZMS-08???????????????????????????????? ZiiLabs????????????????H.264 1080 40MBPs?????????OpenGL ES 2.0. 更多
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